Custom Photo Checks

Why should someone’s design determine who you are as a person? It shouldn’t – that’s why Carousel Checks offers you the opportunity to design your own discounted checks free of customization charges.

Reinvent the magic of the retro times with the Dots! personal checks. These personal checks are available in various designs and colors.
Pink Ribbon

Buy Pink Ribbon Top Tear Personal Checks to show your support for the Breast Cancer awareness program while also recognizing and providing prevention to the disease that claims the lives of many women.
Breast Cancer Awareness

Help to conquer a terrible disease by using these Breast Cancer Awareness Personal Checks. On a pale pink background these checks showcase a trio of pink silicone bracelets that helps to promote awareness of this cancer.
Like money? Who doesn’t? Add a little green to your checks with Money Top Tear Personal Checks. You’ll look like a million bucks with these checks depicting various denominations of dollar bills.
An Apple a Day
Keep the doctor away with An Apple a Day Personal Checks featuring photos of mouthwatering green and red apples. Apple trees originated in Western Asia and are grown around the world.
Crayons personal checks are three images of something we all loved as a kid and probably still love – crayons. Crayons were an integral part of our aspiring art side.
Alice’s Angels
Amy S. Petrik`s holiday series of checks entitled Alice`s Angels is a colorful addition to the holidays. Children holding hands on this yellow background check show love with the hearts in the background.
Brush and Palette

Among the collection by Lorrie Weber, the brush and palette is simple yet very intricate and inspiring image that is used for customizing personal checks.
Joyful Jingles

Wet Ink Wisdom’s Amy S. Petrik presents this Holiday inspired check entitled Joyful Jingles. This check features a chorus of singers on a blue background singing inspiring holiday music for everyone to hear.
Raggedy Friends
Raggedy Friends Personal Checks by Lorrie Weber are quite artistic and give a rather “homey” feeling. The Raggedy Friends are scarecrow type people with straw hats and scarves that adorn the corners of the check.
Personal checks add an individualistic approach for the varied relative works that you execute with checks on transaction and deals. It is an interesting tone which you can imbibe in your company image.